Mysql Web Hosting
If you looking forward to get and manage database, pre-installed PHPMyAdmin and free SSH access use command line to interface. You can manage MySql database remotely.
MySql is an open source database which os world’s most used database. MySql is known for reliability, flexibility, straightforward customization. MySql’s advantages stem from code reuse and minimalist approach. MySql utilizes Structured Query Language.
Sql is a computer based language which is designed to add, manage and retrieve data in a database management which uses logical and easy to use syntax. MySql is RDBMS i.e Relational Database Management System. RDBMS stores data in the table format, with relationship within data which get stored in tables.
Advantages of MySql Hosting
- Open source (free to use and large support community)
- Relatively easy to learn
- Extensive API Collection
- Speedy performance
- Scalability (easily handles large databases)
- Enhanced connectivity
- Top-notch security
- Multi-user access
- Advantages of MySQL Hosting
cPanel & MySql Hosting
MySql databases can be easily added, deleted and managed within cPanel. Additional resources can be found in cpanel which includes:
MySql Database Wizard: Will walk by creating database’s name, username, password and privileges.
Remote MySql: This allows external servers to access MySql database by adding domain name to list the hosts which are able to access database.
PHPMyAdmin: A web based interface is used to manage MySql database. MySql database use PHPMyAdmin to create, modify, delete or execute the statements.
Web Hosting with PHP and MySql
PHP is used to mark instructions in pages of website. When visitor accesses website, PHP enable web software executes instructions behind scenes to retrieve the information from database to display on page. As an example, MySql is a database which organizes and stores large amount of information which is to accessed by PHP instructions.
Example: Web Hosting with PHP and MySql save time because this only need to add poems to add poems to MySql database once and write PHP file which could be used to locate poem in database and display on website. It is opposed to write HTML file for an every poem which you want to get displayed on website.
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