A web host, or web hosting service provider, is a business that provides the technologies and services needed for the website or webpage to be viewed in the Internet.

What is Colocation and why choose it for Web hosting?

Colocation Hosting A collocation centre is a kind of data centre where equipment, bandwidth and space are
October 1, 2020

Virtual Hosting – A Virtual Private Centre

Virtual Private Server A virtual private server (VPS) is a constructive machine sold as a service by an
October 1, 2020

No Cost Hosting

No cost hosting or Free hosting is a good choice when we want to make a site which is non-critical. Also
October 1, 2020

Features of Email Hosting

Consolidator Accounts Consolidator accounts are accounts such as your hotmail, gmail, yahoo, earthlink,
October 1, 2020

Various Services of Hosting

There are various types of hosting services. The most popular and widely used of them are: Web Hosting Web
October 1, 2020

XML: Language that is Extensible

XML: Language which is Extensible. XML Definition XML is an abbreviation for extensible markup language.
October 1, 2020
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