Blog Hosting
Before getting started with the blog hosting we should know what this blog is. A blog is a shared journal where anybody can post his views, personal experiences and hobbies. Now comes the concept of host for a blog.
A host is a place which may be an environment where the person can enter himself and write whatsoever is in his heart. A blog hosting can take place in many kind of environments.
Some community can develop a host for the purpose of hosting special ideas elicited from the person on the other end. This may be in the form of political views, views related to psychology, sociology and many more.
In general terms a blog can comprise of any idea or notion related to the diverse phenomenon. One thing is worth mentioning over here is that blogs follow a chronological order that is they are updated with time. Also there has a concept of multi author blog been developed. This has resulted in the rise of blog traffic.
The rise of blogging systems like “Twitter” has brought with it a great transformation. People from all sorts of life can post there blog and get other people to know what their ideas are.
It generally acts as a web publishing tool which makes it easier for non-technical users to post. Although in recent times the knowledge of html and ftp was necessary for publishing an article or content in the internet, the blog hosting has made it easier to do it.
The availability of GUI widgets has made the blogs more Robust. The blogs can also be considered as social networking service where people can share their views and interact through their ideas.
Also a type of relationship is produced in the bloggers as they start interacting with each other. The bloggers also use images and links which link to another blogs.
Blog hosting is a kind of web hosting and we can also say that former is the subset of latter. If we want to create our own blog hosting services, we have to start with web hosting. It is not difficult to set up our own blog hosting service but it requires little knowledge of web.
So we can conclude that blog hosting is like other hosting services and has become a great tool for interaction generally in the form of ideas, thoughts and many other inquisitive ideas.
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