Managed Dedicated Servers
If you opt for the managed dedicated server hosting package then the web host will either help you maintain the server fully or partially and at various levels as per the hosting company’s conditions and terms. Understand those Terms about the dedicated server’s support terms in advance as these terms usually differ from web host to web host.
Advantages of Managed Dedicated Servers
All critical software updates, for eq the control panel related, the security related and the operating system-related issues are resolved by the dedicated server hosting provider. Many of the problems regarding the dedicated server are also taken care by the host. Prior to opting for a managed dedicated server hosting package be sure to understand how much support the web host will be providing you.
Cons of Managed Dedicated Servers
The managed dedicated servers cost more than the unmanaged dedicated servers. As well there can be some limitations imposed on you, for eq, you may not have admin or root level authority, if you opt for a managed dedicated server hosting package.
Unmanaged Dedicated Servers
The client is responsible for all the dedicated server’s operational and maintenance issues. Web host may help you but he would charge additional fees to do like this. Web host is responsible for any hardware related problems or for the replacement of hardware and equipment.
Pros of Unmanaged Dedicated Servers
The client is in total control of the dedicated server under this plan. Suppose the client has well-trained staff or he can manage the dedicated server on his own then he will be able to save a lot of money by opting for the unmanaged dedicated server hosting package.
Disadvantages of Unmanaged servers
The web host’s help is extremely limited and he may impose additional charges if any tasks require his or his support team. These charges can be very high if there is extensive support to be given by him. Thus it is wise to understand every aspect of a dedicated server hosting package as these issues are never mentioned in-details on the web hosting service provider’s sales pages. But the dedicated servers are extremely powerful web platforms and are ideal to how professional and commercial websites.
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