Difference between linux and windows hosting
In the today’s world people are using many operating system and among them the two which are used widely are linux and windows operating system.
Linux is the most prevalent os because of its many features and the cost related issues. It is inexpensive and easy to install. On the othrr hand windows have the world class support. Also one thing should be noted that there are many similarities and dissimilarities in the way they work. There is a difference as far as security is concerned and on many times windows are more vulnerable to the Spyware.
The first thing that is noticed when a user gets connected to a server is that how they access the back-end of their websites. There is a difference that we perceive in these hosting. The idea is of sharing and transfer of files. Both system have FTP access, but linux is the only os that provides us with telnet access as well. It is not that window cannot get access to the telnet but the thing is that the it rarely provided by the hosting admins.
CGI, perl, php and ASPĀ are provided by both linux and windows. Also with it both devices provide ColdFusion. Many people say that the windows operating systen are full of security holes but this is not absolutely true. The truth is that both the os have some vulnerabilities. Security is something for which we look at on the web hosting administrator rather than operating system.
One important difference between linux and windows hosting is how they write pages and whether or nor they are case sensitive. Both can apply an dserve pages in html and javascript. Some people may think that frontpage extention form a part of windows but it is not completely true because linux servers provide it too.
Now the last difference is of case sensitivity. In the case of linux file and directory names are case sensitive. Windows servers really don’t care about lowercase and uppercase.
In the end we can say that the differences may sound insignificant but they can have a great impact on the traffic of our website.
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