Sometimes you need much more power of web hosting. If you looking to take your world class business online and want to develop your website on a web server which offers more flexibility, stability and power than a shared hosting, but you are not in favour to pay the highest cost of a dedicated web hosting or a virtual private server.
A VPS contains best elements of a dedicated web hosting or a shared web hosting services. Like a shared web hosting, VPS puts website on a web server which has other websites running on that same server, except that of the few websites running on per server.
Website share cost of running on web server this results in yearly or a monthly charge which is less than the high price tag of a dedicated web hosting.
Hybrid nature of a VPS hosting, cost of server is not quite as low as a shared web host, but it is also not high as like as fee of a dedicated web host. You can have to pay just between $20-$100 per month depending on the server configuration. Shared hosting is very cheap hosting, you can set up shop for less than $10 per month. Dedicated hosting set you back at $100 per month or more than that.
VPS hosts offer web servers which are Linux based operating systems, you need to dig just a bit to find a Windows based VPS web hosting. It is very important t note that if you are planning to run a software that need a Microsoft compatible environment. Linux based VPS web hosting will save few of the bucks and Linux servers costs around $10-$20 less than the Windows servers.
If you host your website on a VPS web server, then your website won’t share the resources with the neighbouring websites, the way this would be with the shared web hosting. As your website lives on partitioned web server area this has its own monthly data transfer limits, RAM, storage and operating system so that you may expect smoother table site performance.
Websites which you share on your web server are less likely to affect one of your website. You need to get familiarized with yourself using the essential features which are needed to build a rock solid, VPS hosting based website.
VPS Key functions
- Every VPS performs and then executes like a stand alone web server for its applications and users.
- Every VPS can be easily rebooted independently, and has its own configuration files, system libraries, applications, processes, memory, IP addresses, users and root access.
- A VPS offers same level of a root access like a dedicated web server, so as a web user you have ability to install and run own scripts or software on a virtual based web hosting environment.
- If you looking forward to host your unlimited domains, you have the complete control of web environment and can run your applications at very affordable price, in that case VPS is best way to go for you.
Salient features of a VPS Hosting
- Dedicated Web, Mail, FTP and Database server.
- Individual VPS can be rebooted independently.
- Total isolation from other VPS accounts on the same server.
- Flexibility to install software and custom applications of your own choice.
- Complete control with root or administrative privileges.
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