CGI offer standard protocol for web servers to execute programs which execute like Command line interface programs running on server that generate web pages dynamically. All these programs are known as CGI scripts. Specifics of how script is being executed by server are determined by web server.
In common case, CGI script executes at that time when request is made to generate HTML. There are some companies which offer CGI hosting at very reasonable price and with good quality.
Purpose of CGI
Each server runs HTTP server software which responds to the requests made from web browsers. Generally, HTTP server has a directory, which is designated as document collection files are being sent to Web browsers and connected to the server.
As an example, if Web server has domain name like example.com, and document collection is being stored at /usr/local/apache/htdocs in local file system, then Web server will respond to request for http://exampl.com/index.html by sending to browser pre-written file i.e /usr/local/apache/htdocs/index.html
For pages which are being constructed on fly, server software may defer requests to separate the programs and relay results to request client. In early days of web, all such programs were small and written in scripting language, so they are known as scripts.
HTTP provides different ways for browsers to pass on such information to web server, e.g as a part of URL. Server software must pass information through the script.
Abbreviation of CGI is common gateway interface. When you get login to file manager in cPanel for first time, you will notice a folder in name of Public_html folder called “cgi-bin”. CGI is most basic term and it is a way which web server communicate information to CGI program. CGI bin folder is that where you will store scripts like Perl which your website will use.
Features of cPanel CGI
CGI is a standard which is being used by server to generate dynamic content. As an example, you may use CGI script to access the information in database, format results, return results as part of HTML page. CGI script is very popular and extensively throughout World Wide Web.
cPanel CGI has pre-installed CGI script which are easy to set and use. Below are some scripts which you can add dynamically to your website.
HTML Generator: cPanel CGI center includes script which you can use to generate random HTML content from list of the text phrases which you will define.
Dates, Clocks and Counter: You can use CGI center to add dynamic dates, clocks and counters to your website.
CGI is very important World Wide Web technology which enables client web browser to request data from program executed on web server.
CGI specifies standard for passing the request data between program and web server used to service request. CGI scripts often preferred by the web developers because of speed and minimal resources requirements.
CGI scripts can be written in all common languages used with CGI like Shell script, Ruby, Python and Perl as long as you have interpreter for that particular language to compile.
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