D programming language
D programming language is a general purpose for applications and systems. This is a high level language and retains ability to write a high performance code and to directly interface with operating system API’s with hardware.
D programming language is supported by Integrated development environments. D language is very well suited to write from medium to large scale millions of line programs with team of web developers.
D programming language is very easy to learn, provides many more capabilities to aid programmer and also very well suited to the aggressive compiler optimization technology.
D programming language is not a scripting language neither an interpreted language. This doesn’t come up with VM, an overriding philosophy, or a religion. DlangUI is one of the best D Language Programming GUI which is written in D language. D programming language is a practical language for practical programmers who need the job to be done quickly, reliable and leave behind the maintainable, code is very easy to understand.
D programming language is culmination of decades of the experience implementing compilers for diverse languages, and an attempt to construct the large projects using these languages.
There is more more programming language which comes in competition with this language i.e D Programming Language vs Rust Language. Rust Language offers lots of powers to library writers. D programming language draws an inspiration from other languages and tempers with real and experience world practically.
D programming language is an object-oriented, multi-paradigm and imperative system programming language which was created by Walter Bright, Digital Mars and was released in 2001. Bright joined in design and development part in 2007 by Andrei. As it was originated as re-engineering of C++, D is distinct language, redesigned core C++ features while taking inspiration from different other languages, like Eiffel, C#, Ruby, Python, Java.
Designing in D language is an attempt to combine performance and safety of compiled languages with expressive power of the modern languages. D code is as fast as equivalent C++ code, as being as memory-safe and shorter.
Features of D Programming
- Project management
- msbuild integration with VC projects
- new project templates
- automatic link between dependent projects
- automatic dependency generation
- pre/post custom build steps
- custom build commands
- support for resource compiler
- all DMD command line options accessible
- Project management or plugs into the VS debug engine as a language extension
- integrates cv2pdb and mago for seamless debugger integration
- Language Service
- code highlighting according to the code coverage output
- browse information displayed in object browser and class view
- search and replace dialog based on D tokenizer
- code definition window
- paste visually from clipboard ring
- code outlining
- display of scope at caret position
- symbol/file search window
- code snippets
- highlight/jump-to matching braces
- comment/uncomment selection
- automatic brace completion
- smart indentation
- parameter info tooltips
- goto definition (using semantic analysis or JSON file from compilation)
- import statement completion
- word-completion through semantic analysis, buffer, or JSON compile info
- underlining of syntactical errors
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