Features of Email Hosting
Consolidator Accounts
Consolidator accounts are accounts such as your hotmail, gmail, yahoo, earthlink, mindspring, etc. in addition to your IMAP or POP3 email accounts from which our system can periodically pull messages from into your email hosting account with us so that you do not have to login to multiple accounts daily to see all of your email.
You can even reply back to messages for these consolidator accounts from your email hosting account as if you were responding from the consolidator account.To setup consolidator accounts, login to your account and then click on ‘Settings’, ‘Mail Aliases and Consolidation’, ‘Consolidator Accounts’ and then on the ‘Consolidate a new account’ button.
IMAP and POP3 are two different email protocols. You should select POP3 if you plan on accessing your email from one computer only since email is typically downloaded locally with this protocol. If you need access to your email from anywhere, then you should use IMAP since the protocol keeps email on the server until you delete it.
Spam Filtering
All mailboxes are protected from spam using a spam filtering setup that uses Bayesian filtering and smart rules. We stop spam at the gateway; and so, it rarely ever reaches your inbox. Aside from spam not entering your inbox, we do ensure that all legitimate email is delivered to your inbox through our spam scoring technology.
Data Security
Your mailbox data is hosted on a primary and secondary server; and so, if one of the server should happen to fail, the other one automatically takes over. Also, your data is housed in world-class datacenters manned 24/7/365. We go above and beyond to ensure that your data is safe and secure.
Folder Management
Our folder management interface allows you to create, rename, move, delete and share folders. To perform any of these tasks, login to your account and click on ‘Settings’, ‘Folder Management’ and then on the function that you want. To share folders with other users, you would need to click on theĀ PropertiesĀ link.
Webmail Spell Checker
Our webmail system has a spell checker built in; and so, after you are finished composing a message or during your message write-up, you may click on the spell checker icon to have the system check the spelling of all your words. This is a great tool to ensure that all of your messages are delivered without spelling errors.
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