Keeping Rails running and site up is a required web hosting. Rails is a resource intensive and lack of solution like a Rails an equivalent of mod_php, for web server Apache, Rails is made to challenge shared web companies to offer an easy and cheap solution.
But thankfully, Rails and Ruby are enough matured technologies which are being considered nowadays. ROR emphasis to improve reliability, performance and ease of deployment.
ROR Hosting is more accessible and is more easier than the earlier ROR. A Dutch company, Phusion developed a product by name of “Passenger”, it is very easy to deploy and is similar in scope to what PHP developer accustomed with mod_php.
Dealing with complexity of mongrel instances, a load balancer and jazz, are history for the most demanding of Rails applications. Now these days, you don’t need to make major investment when this come to your resource, money and time in order to host Rails site.
You need to be very careful while hosting website using ROR Platform.With ROR hosting, around every web hosting service is out suddenly to jump and try on board. But unfortunately, many don’t know that what exactly they are lacked of and are doing to support ROR customers.
Some of Rails services appealing names which includes the terms like RoR Hosting, Ruby Hosting, Rails Hosting and mant similar terms. While using these specific words, these are not good than the general web hosting provider.
Shared Ruby on Rails Hosting
Shared hosting is an inexpensive and able to give large quantities of disk space and traffic. So, amount of RAM and CPU what you’re allocated is limited. Therefore shared hosting is not a good solution for Rails, as long as you are not running more than one Rails applications, every thing will be alright.
Shared web hosting companies offer “Unlimited Resources” . But there is no such thing like Unlimited, but companies mention that unlimited product are very reasonable in terms of honoring promise to enable use of monthly bandwidth and disk space.
VPS Ruby on Rails Hosting
VPS hosting is an ideal for Rails based applications. Starting with 512MB or 256MB RAM should be more for RoR apps which have moderate amount of processing requirements and amount of traffic.
If you are a Linux expert, you can set a box from scratch. Always keep one thing in mind that you have to handle maintenance, security and set up of Rails app while development.
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