Shared Hosting – Advantages and disadvantages
Shared hosting means that a single physical server and the resources hosted on it are normally shared between several users. Each user on the shared hosting platform is allocated a limited amount of services such as the traffic, FTP accounts, disk space, databases and email accounts among many other services.
1. Cost Effectiveness
The fact that shared web hosting is usually offered at extremely an affordable rate is perhaps its biggest advantage. With as little as $5-$10, you can tremendously benefit from shared hosting services. That is more one can manage to acquire sufficient space more so because of the stiff competition due to the many web hosting firms in the market. Now a days getting up to 40GB storage is not impossible in shared hosting.
2. Customization
Even though resources in shared hosting are shared among several users but website is still managed by the webmaster using control panel tools. Control panel is user friendly and a powerful tool that can help you customize your website. Control panels help users to manage a range of features such as uploading files and images as well as checking site statistics. That means shared hosting also allows you some amount of customization.
3. Convenience
We all want convenience when running our daily errands and this includes website management. Along shared hosting your web hosting will be managed by highly professional and well skilled experts and therefore grant you adequate convenience. That means you can concentrate on running your web business.
4. Efficiency
Among the most crucial aspects as far as web hosting is concerned is the disk space and bandwidth Provides by the servers. This is the bandwidth that helps business owners run their businesses efficiently. As mentioned earlier you can get adequate bandwidth with shared hosting which you can use to add more resources on your site.
These are some of the advantages that surround shared web hosting. It has some disadvantages also. Let us now consider the disadvantages of shared web hosting:
1. Crashes
Unfortunately, this is actually a cold hard truth that must be let out in the open. Even though you can easily get a respectable web hosting provider dependability of shared hosting has always been doubtable. In spite of all the proactive measures put in place the act of putting thousands of websites on one server exposes the machine to failure.
2. Performance
Performance of your website can also be an issue in shared hosting. Consider a simple eq something that really happens all the time. Let you are experiencing moderate traffic on your website and another user in the server experiences a sudden increase of rush. That user’s sudden change in traffic can have a direct impact on the performance of your website making it take forever to load pages. Such things can be extremely frustrating to your visitors who may opt to seek information elsewhere.
3. Security
With cybercrime rising on a daily basis it is necessary to ensure that your website is secured. Security is another critical aspect in shared hosting, unfortunately. By chance this problem has been accelerated by the freedom webmasters receive from hosting companies.
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