Ecommerce web hosting differs from a standard hosting in number of functionalities and features are required to run and manage commercial website. This includes security initiatives, ecommerce software, payment services, shopping cart software, data support and SSL.
Ecommerce web hosting is especially designed to provide businesses and entrepreneurs with services and tools which are required to set up, conduct and manage ecommerce business.
Ecommerce web hosting is a hosting which is being offered by number of different hosting service provider. In an addition to supply ecommerce hosting functionality, they will offer Web Space to host website, technical support, email support, email server and other Hosting features for businesses.
E-commerce web hosting covers a huge range of applications and solutions which help businesses with selling of products on World Wide Web. All of these services include Inventory management, custom order processing, financial transactions, electronic shopping cart, online catalogs, electronic storefronts and Web page design.merce web hosting also includes EDI that includes business documents, faxes and emails. EDI are made up of elements that represent a product’s model number and price and much important information.
 Ecommerce web hosting offers set up services for merchant internet accounts which may process into major card transactions. Some of the ecommerce hosts may register domain name of their client. Business-Business ecommerce services gather data and all these are being offered by hosting service providers.
Features of Ecommerce Hosting
- Ease of Use
- Improved content management
- Optimum SEO (Search Engine Optimized) solutions
- Google Adwords and Google Analytics
- Increase Your Market Share
- Reach the Mobile Marketplace
- Quality Product Images
- Product Pre-Orders
- Exceptional High Performance
- Export your listing for Comparison Shoppers
- Gift Cards & Gift Certificates
- Integrate with Social Networking Media
- Manage orders well
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