Green Hosting
A web hosting server need to work non-stop round the whole year and this consumes lots of energy in this process. When thinking of a datacenter, this house’s number of different web servers, and won’t be difficult to imagine scale of operations which goes in to keep this in working position.
This is said that amount of energy consumed by US data centers is equivalent to the amount consumed by 5 million houses which put together. If all of the energy come from conventional, some non-renewable sources like generators, gas fired furnaces and burning of coals.
So, how can an application or website can be hosted without causing any harm to the planet. To overcome this cause Green Web Hosting comes up.
What is Green Web Hosting?
Eco-friendly or Green Web Hosts are those web hosting solution providers which have plan to save energy as much as possible and to generate energy from the renewable sources. Huge amount of energy being used data centers which keep website up and is usually produced from using carbon emitting generators.
Green web host strives to minimize energy consumption of servers in first place. This usually employ machines which consume less amount of energy and cuts energy down usage. Apart from this part, many of the hosts generate energy from renewable resources, solar, wind to power up their servers. Wind power and Solar gain huge popularity nowadays and are the ideal sources of energy for Green Hosts.
Apart from saving energy, Green web hosts have safe equipment disposal plan. Related equipments and computers have lots of toxics which used in them. Green Web hosts make sure that old computer and damaged equipments are disposed off properly in such a way that this won’t affect our environment. Most of the electronic components can be recycled easily and green hosts just do using machines.
How Green Hosts Work?
Many of Green web hosts buy REC means renewable energy certificates in an order to outweigh normal usage of energy. This is not just an energy which saves and make green, these such certificates play a very important role. For power usage it is vital for web hosts to work on, eliminating carbon from atmosphere that’s for what REC are there.
REC are issued to buy into renewable energy generation projects like solar power, wind power and hydroelectricity. Some of the projects are involved into planting more and more trees which help to reduce carbon footprints and other harmful effects of pollution.
There are green hosts which plant their data centers which surrounds trees for same cause. Green web hosting providers use ‘energy star’ approved web servers and some other energy efficient hardware to cut down power consumption.
Why to go for Green Web Host?
There are number of websites which get online every year and stats is just rocketing in sky, all these websites use power and become very vital. The conventional web hosts which are very familiar with the amount of electricity which get consumed and this just made from a carbon emitting generators and could take toll on our planet.
Conservation of energy is now becoming more and more essential and most of the companies have started working on their part to save the energy.
Green web hosts are one of the biggest consumer of energy among tech world and if this can be green, then what can be better? By choosing green web host as a hosting provider, you can save our nature and preserve for the future generation.
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