Backup Service
A Managed, Online or Remote backup services, are sometimes marketed as backup-as-a-service or cloud backup. It is a service which provides users with system for backup, recovery and storage of computer files. Online backup providers are those companies which provide this kind of service to end users. All such backup services are considered as a form of cloud computing.
Online backup systems are built for client software program which runs on schedule. Some of the systems run once a day, usually during night while the computers aren’t in use. Other new cloud backup services run regularly to capture the changes to user systems in nearly real-time. Only backup system collects, transfers, encrypts and compresses data to remote backup service provider.
There are many more products in market, which offer different feature of sets, services, and type of encryption. Type of this service provider easily target specific market. High-end LAN-based backup systems offer services like open file backups, client remote control or Active Directory.
Online backup companies have beta softwares which offer free-trial backup services with the fewer live support options. Number of companies provide online backup services for those subscribers whose computers are directly connected to Internet, which automatically copy selected files to the backup storage at service provider location.
A very wide range of online backup services available to suit the needs which ranges from those individual consumers to those of large enterprises. For large and medium sized enterprises valuable data, cost of online backup can prove to be a very wise investment.
In database, an online backup service, often called hot backup, which is performed on data though it is actively access to the users and currently in state of being updated. Online backup provides very convenient solution in the multi user system because these do not need downtime, as a conventional offline backup.
Five Advantages of Cloud Backup:
- Affordable: Small businesses not have unlimited IT budgets. It is important to use solution which makes sense and don’t require customers to incur capital expenditure. As low as few hundred dollars per year, customers can have their data backed up to cloud.
- Anywhere, Anytime Access: Having data in cloud allows customers to access data anytime and anywhere. As long as access to the Internet, using computer or smartphone app, all the files are available readily. It is not necessary to have travel around a laptop or go back to office to see that important file.
- Off-Site: It is important to keep copy of files. Even if the business files are backed up on file server, fire, flood and a hurricane or theft may destroy backups and computers.
- Simple: Cloud backup solutions made restoration easy and ongoing management. With few clicks of mouse, backed up files can easily be found and restored.
- Automatic: Time is most commonly stated reason for those companies which not take backup of their data. Cloud backup don’t require any additional time.
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