Typical areas of Web Developing
Typical areas of Web Development Hosting
The process of developing a website for the Internet is called Web Development. It can range from developing a static page to the complex internet-applications. Web development also involves Client-side/Server-side Scripting, Web Design, Web Content Development and E-commerce Development. Web development usually refers to writing markup and coding.
Nowadays web development also includes Content Management System (CMS). The main advantage being, it allows non-technical people to make changes in their website.
Typical Areas
Web Development can be categorized into mainly three areas:
Client-side Coding
Server-side Coding
Client-side + Server-side
Client-side Coding
1) Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript) provides new ways of using JavaScript to improve user experience.
2) Java Script is a client-side platform for developing web applications.
3) Microsoft Silverlight enables animation and vector graphics using .NET
Developers who are liable for the client side coding and user interface codes are called Front-end Developer.
Server-side Coding
Java e.g. Java Servlets
PHP (open source)
Ruby (open source)
Client-side + Server-side
Google Web Toolkit provides tools to create complex JavaScript applications.
Tersus is a platform for developing web applications by visually defining user interface.
Database Technology
Below are the databases that are currently in wide use:
Apache Derby
Microsoft SQL Server
IBM Notes
Practical Web Development
Many web developers have basic associative roles, including:
Graphic Design/ Web Design
Information Architecture with Search Engine Optimization (SEO) in mind.
Some more advanced web skills include:
GUI (Graphic User Interface) design
Flash capabilities (animation, audio, video, scripting)
Content Management System
Web applications development
Website security analysis
Responsive design which lets a website be suitable with different screen sizes.
Project management
Database integration using web applications
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