Zend Hosting
Zend framework Hosting needs PHP5 interpreter with web server, which is designed to configure to handle PHP scripts. Some of the features need additional extensions, and in most of the cases zend frameworks and can be used without all them as although this performance may suffer those features which may not fully functional.
There are number of zend hosting features which says that zend hosting is reliable and flexible web hosting. As an example, there is a dependency i.e mod_rewrite in Apache environment, it can be used to implement URL’s like “http://www.example.com/user/edit”.
Suppose if mod_rewrite is disabled, Zend Framework is configured to support URL like “http://www.example.com?controller=user&action=edit”. These URL’s are used to shorten URL’s for SEO , but this do not affect functionality of application.
PHP Version
Zend Hosting Optimizer suggests most current version of PHP for performances and critical security, and presently supports PHP 5.2.4. Zend Framework has extensive collection of tests, this can run using PHPUnit 3.3.0.
PHP Extensions
You will get a table which listing extensions found in PHP and below Zend Framework. You should verify that extensions on which this Zend Framework components you will be using in your application available in PHP environments. Many of the application do not require extensions as listed below:
A type of dependency i.e hard, this indicates that classes or components cannot be functioned properly if respective extensions are not available, whereas other type of dependency i.e soft indicates that component may use extension if this is available and may function properly.
Many of the components automatically use these extensions if they all are available to optimize the performance but this will execute the code with same functionality in component itself if all these extensions are unavailable.
Zend Framework Dependencies
Zend Framework Dependencies can help if you need to have single components instead of complete Zend Framework.
Hard dependencies indicate that classes or components cannot function properly if respective dependent component is unavailable, where soft type of dependency indicated that component which need dependent component in or with special adapters and situations.
At the last, a fix type of dependency indicates that classes or components are in case which are used by sub components and sub type of component can be used in special situations
Zend framework is an open source web application for PHP 5. Zend framework is oftenly called component library, because this has loosely coupled components and that you can use less or more independently.
Zend Framework provides MVC i.e Model-View-Controller implementation and this can be used to establish basic structure for Zend Framework applications.
A MVC is more than 3 letter acronym which you can whip out at your suitable time to sound smart, this has become something of standard in design of web applications. And most web applications fall under one of the mentioned three categories: data access, business logic and presentation.
MVC code can be consolidated in a part of your web application with business logic in your data access code. Developers found this a well-defined separation indispensable which keeps code organized, especially when more than one web developer is working on same application.
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