Reseller Web Hosting
Lots of web hosting firms offer reseller web hosting services. With Reseller web hosting, account owner of reseller web hosting services rent out portion of disk space and bandwidth that he receives to other users. Account owner is like hosting service provider to other end users.
In most of the reseller’s web packages, individual cpanels are being offered to the other end users. So, end users of reseller web hosting may have have not same level of technical support which other customers get from the established hosting firms.
It is due to fact that account holders of reseller services not required to have extensive knowledge of hosting. Most of account holders of reseller web hosting are the entrepreneurs who start hosting business rather than the experienced webmaster.
Reseller web hosting is form of hosting wherein account owner has ability to use her or his allotted bandwidth and hard drive space to host sites on behalf of the third party. Reseller purchases host’s services wholesale and sells to customers.
A certain portion of hard drive space and bandwidth is allocated to reseller account. Reseller may rent dedicated web server from hosting company or to resell the shared web hosting services. Reseller is given permission to sell certain amount of bandwidth and disk space to own customers without renting server from hosting company which they signed for reseller account.
Typical hosting reseller might be a website designing firm, system integrator or web developer who offers hosting services as an add on services. Reseller web hosting is an inexpensive way for entrepreneurs to start a web hosting company.
Most of the reseller web hosting plans allow the resellers to create own service plans and to choose pricing structure. In many of the cases, resellers are able to make branding via servers and cPanels.
Reseller web hosting can be thought as a relationship in a retailer and wholesaler. Web hosting company leases web space on servers to resellers. Resellers can distribute space which they have leased for disk space, bandwidth and cost which they want.
Reseller web hosting don’t need any extensive knowledge of technical aspect of hosting. Data center operator is for maintaining hardware and network infrastructure, dedicated owners updates, secure and configure the web servers.
A web reseller is much responsible to interface with customer base, but any of the software, hardware and connectivity problems are being forwarded to server provider from reseller plans which were purchased. Being profitable reseller firm involves advertising to get the customers.
While fees with web hosts are only few dollars per month, this is a very low margin business and web resellers must devote large budget to compete the established existing competitors. Web hosting is known as one of the biggest online business, so every website needs web hosting.
Web resellers can manage and set up the customer accounts via interface. Reseller web hosting is being commonly sold with:
- Domain reseller account
- SSL reseller account
- SSL for domain
- Free end user support
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