Shared Hosting is what you need if you have a startup project. Plans normally have low prices and some basic features included that are shared. If you purchase this type of web hosting then you will share one server with many other.
This may cause some problems as you never know who your neighbors are. The possibility of bad neighborhood is probably the biggest disadvantage of shared plans.
Web hosts offer unlimited features in their Shared packages, so you make sure you read the Terms and Conditions carefully.
You will also find a bunch of hosting companies suggesing many additional features included in the package, CMS platforms, plugins, eCommerce tools, for developers. These features are fine but pay attention only to the features you will really need. Get information from a web master before choosing a particular web host company.
Key Facts about VPS Hosting
VPS plans are the golden mean of web hosting services. These offers will normally have good neighborhood security and strong customers support services. Virtual Private Server also means you get a higher capacity (compared to Shared plans).
The biggest disadvantage of VPS is that you have no control over many important server functions which is available in Dedicated arrangement. As your project grows your webmasters will need more and more options for managing the website effectively. This is where you see the limits of VPS: everything is predetermined by the web host because again you get only a part of server — even though that part of server is rather big.
So what is VPS hosting good for? VPS is great for average web projects that don’t require fine personalized server adjustments. It may be an eCommerce project, a large photo stock a media-rich website or even a number of simple websites hosted under the same hosting plan.
Follow the load of your current Shared hosting, and if it is close to the limit then you may consider moving to a VPS or Dedicated package. Then why VPS or Dedicated? Because the market of VPS hosting is big, that’s why some VPS plans will cost you even more that a basic Dedicated server. So be aware of that, and know your priorities when choosing between VPS and Dedicated.
As you can see, each type of web hosting plan has its has advantages and disadvantages. When you’re wondering which one to choose, you have to look at your needs. Don’t forget research before purchasing any hosting plan, and you will find the solution that meets all of your requirements.
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