Domain Name- A Computer Identifier
A domain can be defined as a certain region of values which are constrained for a particular task. It can also be defined as a set of values which are declared for a particular task.
A domain is assigned a domain name. Domain name identifies the name given to a domain. The name of the domain is set in domain name system.
In a domain name we specify addresses and name of the domain. Domain name identifies a lot of contexts like the internet protocol address of the resource or address of the computer or PC that is using the internet access or the address of the server.
Domains are organized in a hierarchy. There are various levels of domains. They are categorized in Top level domains like .org, .net, .com. Generic top level domains and country code top level domains.
Every domain performs task at its level. Generic top level domain is like .co.in, .co in this domain is the second level domain.
At top level is the top level domain that administrates the lower level domains. Below top level domain are the low level domains that comprises of the active users. The name of the domain has to register in domain registers. The labels in domain name are not case sensitive, so they can be written in any format whether it is capitalized or non-capitalized.
The purpose of domain name is very important. Domain name act as an identifier of the personal computer. It helps to locate the device location in a particular domain. Domain name helps to assign a domain an easy name so that the user can easily recognize the domain and remember it. The various companies choose a domain name that is related to them and is easy to memorize.
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