A web host, or web hosting service provider, is a business that provides the technologies and services needed for the website or webpage to be viewed in the Internet.

Shared Hosting – Advantages and disadvantages

Shared hosting means that a single physical server and the resources hosted on it are normally shared
October 2, 2020

Drupal: The next CMS evolution

Drupal is a free open source content management framework system which is written in PHP and is
October 2, 2020

Blog Hosting

Blog Hosting- Its all about Web Blogs Blog is a discussion or informational site published on the World
October 2, 2020

Managed Dedicated Server

First let us understand the concept of servers. The servers can be both program or a hardware machine.
October 2, 2020


What is Web Hosting? Web hosting is simply the place where your blog live online. When you useĀ  free blog
October 1, 2020

Advantages and Disadvantages of Linux Hosting

You know when we talk about Web hosting, the best operating system for web servers is Linux. Suppose your
October 1, 2020
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