Web designing
In 1989, when to create a global hypertext project, that later on came to be known as the World Wide Web. Web design has got a fair recent history, it can be linked to other areas such as the graphic design. However web design can be seen from a technological […]
Virtual Hosting- An easy way to host multiple domain names
It is a kind of hosting that helps in hosting of multiple domain names on a single server. This helps one server to share their resources like memory and processor cycles without the requirement of all services provided to use the same name of the host. Basically, the virtual […]
Web Development- The largest growing industry for online services
Since the period of commercialization of the web, web development has always been a growing industry. The growth of this industry is pushed especially by the businesses that wish to sell their products and services to their online customers. For tools and platforms, the public can make use of many […]
Wiki software- A collaborative software
Wiki software is a collaborative software that runs a wiki, that is a website that allows its users to create as well as collaboratively edit the web pages via web browser. Wiki software originated from an older version of the control systems that was used for documentation and software in […]
Reseller hosting- A wholesale market
It is kind of hosting in which the owner of the account has the right to use his/her allotted space of hard drive and also can make use of bandwidth on behalf of third parties. Certain part of the space and bandwidth is even allocated to the re seller’s […]
Video Hosting: A video sharing service
Video hosing is a category of web hosting. It enables a user to upload videos on a server and interact with it. The users can upload their content by applications like laptops, mobile phones. The host can upload any type of content like video can be short clip or long […]
The whole concept of Internet rely on the phenomenon of hosting. So it becomes important for us to define what this hosting is. We can understand it by an example- suppose one wants to store his information not on his desktop but at some another place. Have you ever guessed […]
E-commerce-Trader in products and services
Electronic commerce, also known as E-commerce, is a trader in products or services that make use of the computer networks, such as the Internet. Electronic commerce draws on the technologies such as electronic funds transfer, supply chain management, mobile commerce, Internet marketing, online transaction processing, electronic data interchange, inventory management […]
Blog Hosting
Before getting started with the blog hosting we should know what this blog is. A blog is a shared journal where anybody can post his views, personal experiences and hobbies. Now comes the concept of host for a blog. A host is a place which may be an environment where […]
Domain Name- A Computer Identifier
Domain: A domain can be defined as a certain region of values which are constrained for a particular task. It can also be defined as a set of values which are declared for a particular task. A domain is assigned a domain name. Domain name identifies the name given to […]